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Ka Wikipedia
Maanta waa 8 Febraayo 2025.
Hada wakhtigu waa 09:51.
Isticmaalahan waa Soomaali
so Isticmaalahan Soomaaliga waa afkiisa hooyo.
SO This user is a native speaker of Somali.


en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.


waa ku mahad santahay in aa i saxday (Booyad/ dab damis) kk. Somaliya Booyad aa ka shaqeeso nooh..

Thank you for your help with the Somali Wikipedia. It lacked contributors... How did you get to know it ? Was it through a blog ? I posted an appeal for contributions recently on a few Somali blogs. Baronnet 09:02, 14 Juun 2010 (UTC)[reply]

There is a document in Somali about Sweden at File:Nyiostergotland 2010 so.pdf (Warbixin ku saabsan bulshada dalka Iswiidan ee loogu talagalay dadyoowga dhowaan gobolka Östergötland u soo guuray). The same text is available in several languages. Feel free to use this text in Wikipedia. --LA2 09:40, 30 Juun 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Puntland National anthem

[wax ka badal xogta]

A question to one of the few active english speakers here: I heard that puntland has adopted a national anthem in december 2009. Google finds different lyrics and audio files, everyhing only with descriptions in somalia language. Can you give me some information about it (a title, the correct lyrics or audio files)? --Antemister 08:22, 1 Luuliyo 2010 (UTC), German Wikipedia


[wax ka badal xogta]

sxb, waad ku mahadsantahay fariinta aad meesha iidhigtay, anigaba farxad ayaa lajareenooyaa Maax 11:17, 9 Abriil 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I noticed that you have created article about Yuusuf Islaam. Thank you for them. Should I request to you, you would want to create at least a short article for John Cale (endefr) (founding member of The Velvet Underground)? Thank you in advance for any resolution. -- 10:24, 7 Sebteembar 2013 (UTC)[reply]


[wax ka badal xogta]

Hi Alshareeca. Iska warran. :)

My name is Anna. I work for the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco. It's nice to meet you. :)

It says here that you're a Somali Wikipedian.

I've just posted a message on so.wikipedia about en:VisualEditor.

I hope you can translate my message into Somali.

I'm also contacting you because we need Somali translators to help with the deployment of the new mw:VisualEditor on so.wikipedia.

It's important that we get the User Guide and the User Interface translated before VisualEditor is deployed to users, if we can.

To translate the User Interface, you need to start an account at translatewiki.net.

More information on the translating work is available at MediaWiki: Translation Central.

Mahadsanid. :) Thanks for all you do for this wiki. :)

Sincerely yours,

Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 00:41, 27 Nofeembar 2013 (UTC)[reply]