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SANADKA 2021: “Xooggaagu wuxuu ahaan doonaa xasilloonida iyo muujinta kalsoonida.”

Sanadka 2021 waxay ahayd muddo waqti ah oo ku jirta qarniga 21-aad iyo mileniyumka 3-aad. Waxa uu ka dambeeyaa 2020 kana soo horeeyaa 2022. Marka loo eego kalandarka Gregorian-ka, 2021 wuxuu ahaa sanad caadi ah, oo ka kooban 365 maalin. Waxa uu matalayaa sanad ka mid ah socodka joogtada ah ee waqtiga.

2020 - 2021 - 2022

    • Boqortooyada Ingiriiska ayaa si rasmi ah uga baxay Midowga Yurub.
    • Sacuudi Carabiya iyo Qatar ayaa ku heshiiyey in la furo xadka u dhaxeeya dowladaha.
    • Daabacaadii 43-aad ee isu soo baxa Dakar ee Sucuudi Carabiya.
    • Faafida COVID-19: Tirada la xaqiijiyay ee dhimashadu waxay dhaaftay 2 milyan, Tirada kiisaska la xaqiijiyay ee adduunka ayaa kor u dhaaftay 100 milyan oo qof.
    • Joe Biden ayaa loo dhaariyay inuu noqdo Madaxweynihii 46 -aad ee Mareykanka.
    • Horyaalkii 27 -aad ee Kubadda Gacanta ee Masar.
    • Daadad ku dhuftay Indunisiya[1]
    • Duufaanta Eloise ee Musanbiig[2]
    • Daabacaaddii 17-aad ee Horyaalka Naadiyada Adduunka ee Qatar.
    • Dhulgariirkii ka dhacay Jabaan[3]
    • Duufaanno Jiilaal oo aan hore loo arag ayaa ku dhuftay Gobolada Isku Tegay ee Ameerika[4]
    • Lacagta Bitcoin ee El Salfador.
    • 16. Horyaalka Kubadda Cagta Yurub.
    • Xayiran Marcabka Suez 2021.
    • Juun 27, 2021, Tarjumaadda Adduunka Cusub ee Kitaabka Quduuska ah oo ku qoran luqadda Aymara iyo ah luqadda Nyungwe iyo ah Luuqadda Tamilka ee farta Roomaanka. Aymara waxaa ku hadla in ka badan 1.6 milyan oo qof oo inta badan ku nool gobolka harada Titicaca, oo ku taal buuraha Andes[15]. Nyungwe waxaa looga hadlaa ugu horrayn waqooyi-galbeed Musanbiig ee Gobolka Tete[16]. Tamil waxaa ku hadla dad lagu qiyaaso 85 milyan[17]
    • Dhibatoka Malaysia 2021
    • Xiisadaha Puntland 2021
    • 10 Diseembar - Tornadoes waxay ka tagtaa Maraykanka[32]
    • 16-18 Diseembar - Duufaanta Rai ayaa baabi'isay Filibiin[33]
    • 18 Diseembar - Kitaabka Quduuska ah oo lagu sii daayay Luqadda Calaamadaha Jarmalka[34]
    • 30 Diseembar - Fayraska faafa ee Korona 2019–20 tirada kiisaska la xaqiijiyay ee adduunka ayaa kor u dhaaftay 286 milyan oo qof, tirada dhimashaduna waa ku dhawaad ​​​​5.5 milyan
  1. Extensive Flooding in Indonesia
  2. Cyclone Eloise Causes Devastation in Mozambique
  3. Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Rocks Northeastern Japan
  4. Unprecedented Winter Storms Pummel the Southern United States, Temporarily Displacing Over 7,500
  5. Lethal Explosions Cause Destruction and Distress in Equatorial Guinea
  6. Moscow Press Conference on 70th Anniversary of Operation North
  7. International Memorial Society Hosts an Academic Conference Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Soviet Deportation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to Siberia
  8. SUMMARY. Series of Conferences in Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Soviet Deportation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to Siberia
  9. Indonesia and Timor-Leste Hit by Cyclone Seroja
  10. Volcano Spurs Evacuations in the Caribbean
  11. Relief Efforts Sustain Our Brothers in Colombia
  12. Turkmenistan Releases 16 Brothers From Various Prisons
  13. Conflict in Israel and Palestinian Territories
  14. Volcano Eruption Rattles Goma, Displacing Thousands
  15. New World Translation Released in Aymara
  16. New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Released in Nyungwe
  17. Tamil New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in Roman Script Released in India
  18. Severe Flooding Hits Western Europe
  19. New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Released in Tojolabal
  20. California Wildfires Cause Ongoing Destruction
  21. A Powerful Earthquake Hits Haiti
  22. Hurricane Ida Pummels the United States From the Gulf Coast to the Northeast
  23. New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Released in Mixtec (Guerrero)
  24. Book of Matthew Released in Malawi Sign Language
  25. Book of Matthew Released in the Hmong Language
  26. Hurricane Pamela Causes Flooding on Pacific Coast of Mexico
  27. Bible Released in the Lunda Language]
  28. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Released in Quechua (Bolivia)
  29. First Bible Books Released in Venezuelan Sign Language
  30. “Atmospheric River” Floods Western Canada
  31. New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Released in Kimbundu
  32. Devastating Tornadoes Leave a Path of Destruction in Southern and Midwestern United States
  33. Typhoon Rai Devastates Philippines
  34. Books of Matthew and John Released in German Sign Language