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Ka Wikipedia
(Waxaa laga soo toosiyay Japan)
Calanka Jabaan Astaannta Qaranka ee Jabaan
Calan Astaannta Qaranka
Astaanta Calanka
Kimigayo 君が代
Location of Jabaan
Location of Jabaan
Caasimada Tokyo
Luuqada(ha) Looga hadlo Jabaan, iyo luqado kale oo la tiri karin]]
 -  Emberor Naruhito
 -  Ra'iisul wasaare Fumio Kishida
 -  Total 377,944 km2 km² 
145,925 sq mi 
 -  Biyo (%) 0.8
Cadadka Dadka
 -  [1] qiyaas 127,380,0002 
GDP (nominal) [3] estimate
 -  Total $5.998 trillion[2] 
 -  Per capita $29,998[4] 
Lacagta Yen
Wakhtiga (UTC+9) 

Carte du Japon

Jabaan (Af-Jabaan:日本: Nihon ama Nibon magaceeda oo dhameestiran:日本国 :Nibon-koku ama Nihon-koku, waa wadan jasiirado ka sameesan, oo ku yaalo Badweynta Baasifik ee qaarada Aasiya. Wadankaan waxoo daris la yahay Badda Jabaan, Shiinaha, Koonfur Kuuriya, Waqooyiga Kuuriya iyo Ruushka Dadka tiriskii laga qaaday jabaan 1920kii, waxee eheed 55 miliyan oo qoys, sanadka marka oo ahaa 2019* neh waxaa degenaa 126,960,000 oo qoys.!!

"National Diet Building"
Ville d'OSOKA

Japanese archipelagoAs seen from Satellites.


Lo sièti sociau de Nissan a Tòquio

¡¡'TYT Motors Inc."!!


¡¡'YMH Mtrs.'!!

Bourse Japonaise.!!`?

ميتسوبيشي موتورز(هي "٦"أكبر شركة سيارات في اليابان و"٧" على العالم.:)

¡¡Citizen Watch.!!

¡¡Logoja e Hondas.!!
!!Logoja e Hitschi.!!



Jabaan waxee ka koobantahay 6,852 jasiiradoo, affarta ugu waa weyn oo boqolkiiba todobaatan daboolo dhulka jabaan waa Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu iyo Shikoku. Jabaaniiska waxee iskuugu wacaan (Nihon), luqadooda neh waxee dhahaan (Nihongo). Magaca Nibon micnaheeda waa jabaan laakiin waxee u adeegsadaan, lacagaha, bashqadaha iyo cayaaraha caalamka iyo wax la mid ah.Jabaan waxaa loo micneeyaa wadanka qoraxda ka soo baxdo, 日 (qorax) 本 (soo bax), markii hore jabaan waxaa loogu yeeri jiray magacyo badan, gaar ahaan wadanka ee taariikhda isla leeyihiin ee Shiinaha, waxee jabaan ugu yeeri jireen (yamato 大和). Erayga qorax ka soo baxa waxoo asal ahaan ka imaaday shiinaha, sababtoo ah jabaan waxee ka xigtaa dhinaca bariga markii la fiiriyo qaarad aasiya. Ereyga Japan ee Japan waa 日本, oo lagu magacaabo Nihon ama Nippon iyo macno ahaan waxa loola jeedaa "asalka qorraxda". Nichi dabeecadda (CH) macnaheedu waa "qorax" ama "maalin"; saldhigga macnihiisu waa "saldhig" ama "asal". Sidaas daraadeed macneheedu waa "asalka qorraxda" waana ilaha caanka ah ee reer galbeedka caanka ah: "Land of the Sun Rising=LAND OF THE SUN RISING"= "The Land of the Rising SUN" __Wisevoter.!!`?.:

Las carrèras japonesas que son sovent conhidas de monde: ací au quartièr de ShibuyaaTōkyō

Compañía J.(Fuji.H.Ind.)


¡¡S.Epson Corp.!!'

¡¡Casio Bilgisayar A.Ş.!!

¡¡Seiko Epson Corp.!!


¡¡'Magallada "Ussaaka" (Osmaniya).!!'

ميتسوبيشي يو اف جيه الماليةالقابضة.:

¡¡Fujitsu Limited.!!

¡¡Société du groupe Sony Corps.!!

69%Japon et Le ¡¡'Coréenne28%!!´


Logo of ¡¡'P.S.;!!(2019)

¡¡'Magaallada "Naguuya".!!'

Logo of ¡¡'P.S.;!!(2018)

¡¡Mazda Mtrs.!!

¡¡'Brother Industries Ltd.!!


Rikoodhkii ugu horreeyay ee magaca Nihon wuxuu ka muuqdaa taariikhda Shiinaha ee taariikhda ah ee hannaanka Tang, Book of Old Tang. Dhamaadkii qarnigii toddobaad, wafdi ka yimid Japan ayaa codsaday in Nihon loo isticmaalo magaca dalkooda. Magacani waxaa laga yaabaa in uu asal ahaan ka soo jeedo warqad loo diray 607 waxaana lagu diiwaan geliyay taariikhda rasmiga ah ee Suudiiste. Prince Shōtoku, Regent of Japan, ayaa u diray ergeyga Shiinaha warqad kaas oo uu ugu yeeray "Boqortooyada Dhulka ee Qorraxdu kacdo" (日 出处 天子). Farriinta ayaa yiri: "Halkan, waxaan ahay, Boqortooyada waddanka qorraxdu soo baxdo, u dir warqad si aad u aragto Boqortooyada dalka ee qorraxdu u eg tahay.


Qalinyankii: Fadhi M. & M. A . For: AlJazeera: Arabic, English; & Balkans.: Byye;!!`?`


Boqolkiiba IMF

5.19% [6].

Dalka Japan waxa uu caan ku yahay dhaqamo qani ah iyo farshaxan dhaqameed. Intaa kaliya maaha, ee Japan waxay magac u yeelatay inay ka mid tahay dalalka ugu marti-gelinta iyo soo dhawaynta badan adduunka.

Waxaas oo dhan, wax la yaab leh maaha in Japan ay ka dhigto waddadeeda meelaha riyooyinka ee dadka intooda badan. Naftaada u fiirso oo ku billow taariikhda qani ah ee Dhulka Qorraxda Soo Baxa xaqiiqooyinkan Japan.

WAR DEG DEG AH XAQIIQOOYINKA MUHIIMKA AH XAQIIQOOYIN XIISO BADAN 01 Laga bilaabo 2019, Japan waxay leedahay dad lagu qiyaaso 126,150,000. 02 Jasiiradaha Japan ka kooban yahay waxay ka kooban yihiin 6,852 jasiiradood. 03 Bedka Japan waxa uu ku fadhiyaa 375,000 kiiloo mitir oo laba jibbaaran. 04Japan waa dalka 11-aad ee ugu dadka badan aduunka 05Dalka Japan wuxuu u qaybsan yahay wadar ahaan 47 maamul goboleed oo loo qaybiyay 8 gobol.!!


10*Incredible Facts About Jaban

Prince Hotels. September, 2023.!!

Japan is a pretty incredible country. It has a unique, diverse and incredibly rich culture that dates back thousands of years.

There are many things in our society that we immediately recognise as being of Japanese origin, and increasingly more people are starting to align themselves with Japanese methodologies and ways of life.

If you’re thinking about visiting this incredible country then check out the stunning Prince Hotel and resorts spread across the country. They are some of the very best hotels in Japan and allow you to traverse the country in absolute style.

Now let’s take a look at some of the incredible facts that make Japan such a stunning and unique country.

The People is Evry Where.!! Japan is actually the 11th most populous country in the world, despite a severely declining population.!!

Its people are incredibly warm and welcoming- being polite and open is a huge part of Japanese culture.

Life Expectancy.!! Regardless of the declining population, Japan actually has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world.!!

A healthy diet and plenty of personal care means that people actually do live longer.!!

Who would’ve thought it, eh?...!!

Vending Machines.!! For every 24 people in Japan there is 1 vending machine. Just let that sink in. with a population of 125 million, that’s an awful lot of vending machines. !!

Slurp don’t Cut.!! Slurping your noodles is not regarded as rude, even in public. In fact, quite the opposite is true; slurping your noodles is considered as a sign that you are enjoying your meal- some even believe that it adds flavour to the food you are consuming. So slurp away!

The Mountains are Calling A little over 69% of Japan’s land mass is actually mountainous. There are over 100 active volcanoes, and you can embark on all kinds of mountain adventures like skiing, hiking, trekking and climbing. Check out the Karuizawa Prince Hotel for the perfect Japanese mountain experince.

Tokyo is Booming.!! Tokyo is the world’s most populated megacity, as the massive metropolitan area has a population of a little under 28 million people.!!

So make sure you plan your trip in advance and book a room at the Tokyo Prince Hotel– if you’re looking for hotels in Minato, Tokyo then look no further!

Canned Food Restaurants.!! You can actually visit restaurants in Japan that have shelves much like many supermarkets.

You can choose your cuisine from thousands of choices and the chefs will pop the can and cook it up for you then and there.

It’s an actual canned food restaurant!

Earthquake’s are Life.!! There are an estimated 1500 earthquakes across Japan every year- although thankfully most of them are very small and don’t do any damage.

It is one of the most active and volcanic countries on the planet.

Kentucky Fried Christmas.!! The people of Japan don’t really do Christmas in the same way we do in the western world.

Instead they flock to KFCs all over the country and enjoy a fried chicken meal. It’s totally true.!!

It became a tradition in the 70s as western culture began to filter into everyday society in Japan; and KFC capitalised on it by telling the Japanese people that it’s what Americans have for Christmas Dinner!

Wonderful Japan.!! So there you have it; some incredible facts that show off just how unique Japan is.

Come and explore one of the most gorgeous and fertile countries on the face of the earth, and learn a thing or two about the extraordinary Japanese culture while you are here.!! [7].:

Waddanamha Jabaan

As of 2019 June, 2,986,604 of Foreign Residents live in JAPAN. More than half of them are Chinese, Indonesian and Korean. Figure : Population of Foreign Residents in Javanese by Nationality.!!`?`

Waddamada La Deggan Jabaan



Luuqadda Jabbaan

For native speakers of English, Japanese can be one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. However, that hasn’t stopped people from trying.

With the popularity of Japanese media – from films and music to video games and anime – more people than ever are trying their hand. Before you dive into your Japanese studies, here are eight essential facts to know.

In the native tongue, it’s actually called ‘Nihongo’

Japan refers to itself as 日本 – pronounced ‘Nihon’ or ‘Nippon’ in the native tongue – but in other languages it’s usually called ‘Japan’ or some variation thereof. That’s because early Portuguese explorers in China recorded the name as ‘Jipangu’ based on the Mandarin pronunciation they heard, which sounded to them like ‘Cipan’. So, while you may be studying Japanese, you are technically studying ‘Nihongo’.

Japanese study materials |©Jason Lawton|Flickr.

Japanese study materials,!! Japan uses three writing systems

These three writing systems are the native Japanese alphabets hiragana and katakana and the Chinese characters called kanji. The three writing systems are used together, sometimes even within the same sentence. Kanji is paired with hiragana to form words and sentences, while katakana is used for foreign loanwords as well as to add emphasis.!!

Butcher’s shop sign written in kanji, hiragana, and katakana | © Halfrain.!!

Butcher’s shop sign written in kanji, hiragana, and katakana Even though Japanese uses Chinese characters, the language isn’t based on Chinese.!!

The Japanese written language uses Chinese characters, but the language itself was born in Japan, not China. How did that happen? Well, the Japanese language existed for centuries solely as an oral language that wasn’t written down. Some time around the 5th century, Japanese scholars decided to fix that by learning to read classical Chinese and borrowing kanji characters to pair with the corresponding words in Japanese. Later, hiragana was created as a simpler alternative to the more difficult kanji.

Hiragana characters | © Miguel Efondo.!!

Hiragana characters.!! There are three different levels of formality with corresponding grammar

Depending on whether you’re speaking in a casual, polite, or formal situation, verbs are conjugated differently in Japanese. Formal Japanese is further divided between language that humbles the speaker, such as a customer service worker, and language that elevates the listener, for talking to important people such as a valued client or your superiors at work. It can get so complicated that even native speakers struggle to use formal Japanese correctly.!!

There are no plurals in Japanese

In the Japanese language there’s no difference between saying ‘There is a spider’ and ‘There are spiders.’ So it can be difficult to tell whether someone is saying there’s a spider in your room, or your house has been overrun with a swarm of spiders.

There are also no articles.!!

Japanese also doesn’t differentiate between ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’. While this doesn’t cause so many problems for English speakers of Japanese, it’s a language point that’s tricky for Japanese speakers of English. You can make sentences using only verbs

While English sentences typically follow a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order, Japanese uses subject-object-verb (SOV) order. However, it’s not actually necessary to specify the subject – and objects are optional, just as in English – so it’s possible to form a sentence using only verbs. In fact, you can have an entire conversation without ever mentioning the subject. Intonation does matter.!!

Intonation, also known as pitch accent, is important to Japanese pronunciation. For example, the words ‘bridge’ (hashi) and ‘chopsticks’ (hashi) may sound the same, but they have a slightly different intonation. In the standard Tokyo dialect, ‘hashi’ has a rising accent for the word ‘bridge’ and a falling accent for the word ‘chopsticks’.

And if that doesn’t sound tricky enough, in the Kansai dialect used in western Japan around Osaka, the intonation for ‘bridge’ and ‘chopstick’ are actually reversed! Most Japanese language textbooks targeted at foreign learners don’t cover intonation, so this can be one of the trickiest parts of sounding fluent in Japanese.

The sacred Shinkyo Bridge leads to Nikko, a UNESCO World Heritage Site | © Atibordee Kongprepan | Flickr.!!


To help prepare for your trip, check out these cool facts about Japan.!!


Himeji Castle

01. Japan is the largest island nation in East Asia! There are about 127 million people living on Japan’s 6,852 islands. The four main islands of Japan are Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The biggest Japanese island is Honshu with a land area of 88,020 sq mi (228,000 ㎢).

02. The Yamato Dynasty is the oldest hereditary monarchy in the world! Emperor Jimmu became Japan’s first ruler over 2,600 years ago, and the current emperor is his direct descendent. You can only enter Tokyo Imperial Palace’s inner grounds on January 2nd and the emperor’s birthday.

03. Japan has over 100 castles! It’s estimated that at one point in time, there were 5,000 castles across the country! Today, there are only about one hundred, and most of them are reconstructions, but twelve of them are original structures.

04. Noah is one of the longest-running theatrical traditions in the world! Noh is a type of dance-drama from the 14th century. Traditionally, performances took place at temples and shrines. These days, you can go to indoor theaters in cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya.

05. Bowing is so important in Japan, even the deer do it! Every morning, about 1200 wild deer gather in front of Todaiji Temple. You can buy special biscuits outside of the temple to feed them. Before you hand over the treat, give a little bow. The deer will bow back at you!

Nara Deer Park.!!

06. There’s a slipper for every occasion! One Japanese cultural fact you might already know is Japanese people don’t wear shoes inside. But did you know they use special slippers for going to the toilet? You might see these in homes, businesses, restaurants, and hotels!

07. Everyone cleans up after themselves! A seemingly weird thing in Japan is the lack of public trash cans. After a terrorist attack in 1995, the government outlawed bins on the street, but the Japanese always clean up after themselves. Even if that means carrying garbage home!

08. The crime rate is so low that there are more police than petty criminals! Most Japanese people follow very strict morals. If they find a wallet in the street, they're more likely to leave it alone or turn it in than steal the cash!

09. You literally can’t miss Japan’s famous vending machines! There are slightly over 5 million vending machines in Japan. Most sell hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks, teas, and juices, but it’s possible to find some that sell snacks, souvenirs, beer, and fortunes.

10. It’s rude to walk and eat.!! One interesting fact about Japan is how much thought goes into preparing meals. Partly because of this, most Japanese people don’t eat while they walk. That is unless they attend a festival.!!


A Kaiseki Meal.!!

01. Sticking chopsticks in rice is a big no-no.!! During a Japanese funeral, the attendees offer food to the deceased by sticking chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice. If you do this to your dinner, not only is it a bad omen, but you'll get a few glares!

02. Japanese people don’t use a lot of soy sauce with sushi! Soaking your sushi in soy sauce not only throws off the flavor balance but can offend the chef! In Japan, you should only add a touch of soy sauce to the raw fish and never the rice.

03. Japanese cuisine is a designated UNESCO cultural heritage! Washoku (authentic Japanese cuisine) is considered an intangible cultural heritage. Since the times of ancient Japan, the fact is cooking is more than just creating a nutritionally balanced meal. It’s a way to express your appreciation for nature.

04. Most restaurants use seasonal ingredients and make simple dishes! Using locally-sourced ingredients, sparing on spice, and choosing tableware that complements the food’s colors are some of the central points of Japanese cooking.

05. Your meal might look small, but it’s actually a lot of food! Restaurants and homes don’t serve food on family-sized platters. The separate miso soup, rice, and three dishes might look like tiny portions, but don’t let your eyes fool you into accidentally ordering too much!

Shojin Ryori Side of Tofu.!!

06. There is a law concerning weight.!! When the National Diet introduced the Metabo Law, many misinterpreted it to mean being overweight in Japan is illegal. Actually, it says people aged 45-70 must have their waists measured as part of their annual check-ups.

07. You won’t want for vegetables, but vegetarian food can be hard to find! Vegetarianism is still new in Japan, and some restaurants don’t have non-meat options (especially farther away from major tourist cities). Vegetarians and vegans should try shojin ryori, which doesn’t have any animal products, but plenty of umami flavor!

08. Japan has some of the strictest food safety standards in the world! Most of the food in Japan is imported, so the government developed restrictions that are so strict, Japan has some of the most uncontaminated food in the world. It’s so safe, you can eat eggs and chicken raw!

09. Only certified chefs can prepare blowfish.!! Food safety regulations cover Japan’s infamous delicacy, fugu. If you cut or cook a blowfish incorrectly, it releases a dangerous toxin. Chefs must pass years of training, written, and practical exams before they even think about serving it!

10. Servers and bartenders don’t accept tips! Although tipping isn’t commonplace in restaurants, there is a tipping culture in Japan. If you stay in a traditional Japanese inn or hire a Geisha for entertainment, it’s customary to pay gratuity.


Tokyo's Skyline

01. A lot of medications are illegal in Japan! If you need to bring medicine on your trip, check it’s legality in Japan first. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications include prohibited stimulants. Customs can deny your entry and send you straight back home.!!

02. The largest city in the world by population is Tokyo, Japan! With around 37 million inhabitants, the Greater Tokyo Area has the highest urban population in the world. It’s estimated that 11% of Japan’s residents live in this city alone.!!

03. Tokyo has 13 3-starred Michelin Restaurants! Tokyo is internationally famous for its cuisine. The 2019 Michelin Guide gives Tokyo 230 stars. In total, Japan has as many stars as the next nine ranking countries combined.!!

04. The world’s largest fish market is in Tsukiji.!! The Tsukiji Fish Market is nearly 100-years-old and sells some of the most sought after ingredients. In particular, travelers love to watch the tuna auctions in the morning, but that activity is now in the nearby Toyosu Market.!!

05. The world’s busiest train station is Shinjuku Station! More than 3.5 million passengers go through Shinjuku Station every day. One fun fact about Tokyo’s culture is that despite the crowds, everyone strives to walk and board trains in an orderly fashion.!!

Shibuya Crossing

06. Up to one million people pass through Shibuya Crossing every day! Shibuya, Tokyo’s center for fashion and youth culture, is best known for its intersection near the Hachiko statue. As many as 2,500 people cross every time the lights change.!!

07. Japan has the promptest trains in the world! Except in the event of maintenance or inclement weather, the trains are always on time. They’re so precise that one railway had to make a public apology when a train left 25 seconds early.!!

08. One million people visit Mount Fuji every year.!! Mount Fuji is Japan’s highest peak and the world’s most climbed mountain. The summit to the top is easier than it seems. The oldest person to make the hike was 93-years-old, and children regularly join their families on the trails.!!

09. Every prefecture has a distinct culture! People in Tokyo have a reputation for being formal and businesslike, but that’s not the case in the rest of the country! Osakans are known for their humor, Kyotoites are sophisticated, Okinawans are warm-hearted, and people from Hokkaido are hardy but friendly. Everywhere you go, you’ll see a different face of Japanese society.!!

10. Japan might be the most tourist-friendly country in the world! Even if you don’t speak Japanese, the locals are happy to help travelers. If you ask for directions, don’t be surprised if someone escorts you all the way to your destination.!!

Visa Jabaan

あなたは知っていますか? ...インターネット全体のなんと 12% がポルノおよびアダルト Web サイト専用になっています。..!!'

Anata wa shitte imasu ka? Intānetto zentai no nanto 12-pāsento ga poruno oyobi adaruto u~ebu saito sen'yō ni natte imasu…!!’?’

“Porn” or “xxx” can be divided into several genres:-)(:-: including:-) ethnic porn, amateur porn, gay porn, lesbian porn, bisexual porn, group sex, and many; many others out there..!!’?’…

אתה יודע..!?.. שלוש הקבוצות העיקריות שהתנגדו באופן מסורתי לפורנוגרפיה הן פמיניזם, דת וחוק.!!'?'...!!'

ata yuda..!?.. shlosh hakbutzot ha'ikriot shehitnagdu be'ufan mesorti lefornografia hen paminism, dat vechok.!!’?….!!’….!!’…!!’

ポルノは、インターネット上で転送される全データの 30% を占めています。[7] Poruno wa, intānetto-jō de tensō sa reru zen dēta no 30-pāsento o shimete imasu…!!’?’…!!’?’… [7 ]

Do You know..!?!’


**Do you know**.!!’

Do you know? The Japanese porno business starts from 794 A.D. when an craft known as shunga, meaning "Spring", sprang up. The art consisted of sex acts, usually men on men or female on female, painted on scrolls....!!'

The Japanese porn queen, Yumika Hayashi, starred in over ..”Two hundred and Fifty porn videos and "Pink films" in her 16-year career. She left a gaping hole in the Business...!!’…!!’

We sure you have by accident discovered, Japanese Adult/Porno is Frustratingly pixelated. In "University students Survey“ A Person Produces, Sell/Distrabute ? or Solicit? Porn are “ looked down upon” and even viewed as Offenders.!!’? On Top of that,! Displaying Female Genitalia Public in Japan is Culturally absurd….!!’

Do you know.!?!’ …In 2013,  Iraq national television accidentally aired ten minutes of xxx in the background during a news report...!!'?'...!!'...!!

...Do you know..!!'? ....Wikimedia Commons, an image repository owned by Wikipedia, is nowadays mostly used for porn industry. Which was definitely not its intended purpose...!!'...!!'

…Watching porn doesn't actually mean that we engage in more real live sex, a study done in the  Netherlands found that there is only a small correlation between watching porn and increased sex experience….!!’?’…..

Do you know..?'!? If you're browsing the Japanese underground, search for "yuri". This is their name for porn featuring girl on girl fetish scene. Shockingly, this sort of pornography isn't nearly as highly sought after in Japan as it is - in Western countries....!!'?...!!'

….Hard to believe, women do watch Porn too, most analysis show that women watch less Pornography than Guys. There is even pornography for girls...!!’

Do you know...!?!'..13k adult movies are produced every year, amassing over $13 billion dollars in profit. By comparison, Hollywood released 455-505 Film videos and made only 8.8 Billion...!!'?...!!'..

Do you know.!?!' ...If you're a guy and you've dreamed about playing in porno movie than you should move to Japan. According to Japanese pornography star Shimiken, there are roughly 10,000 female pornography stars per seventy men in the business...!!'

D Do you know..!?’ …The most popular search category in  Finland is "mature", followed by "granny". According to stats compiled by the Tech Gizmodo msgazine,  Finland likes 'em old and wrinkly...!!’...!!'....


Do you know? ...Porn is a global, estimated $97 Billions business, with about $12 Billions of that coming from the America - in 2016-2017* alone...!!'?'

...The modern adult entertainment concept goes back to the Victorian Era. But sexually-related images existed way earlier.

Do you know? …Japanese Hentai porno is an International pornographic phenomenon that involves animated sex….!!’?…..!!’

…The average guy visits a pornography page 7.5 times a month. It is like every 4 days….!!’?’…!!’

…The sex business is one of the Biggest and most beneficial Industry in the Globe ($10.4 billion) Billions a Month. This covers Whoring?, Striptease?, Phone sex?, and Adult or finally Porno…!!’?’…


…..Many Guys pornography actors use Caverject, a drug that they inject straight into their dick to maintain an erection for long periods….!!’…!!’?….!!’

bilirsinizmi..!!'? ...Amerikana pornoqrafiya DVD-lərinin və internet məzmununun aparıcı istehsalçısıdır. İkinci ən böyük Almaniyadır. Almaniya VHS istehsalında ən böyük idi....!!'?'..!!’?’…!!’

The only remaining pornography taboo that is nearly universally NOT accepted is “child pornography”….!!’?…!!’

Do you know..!?’ …11 porn pages are among the world's top three hundred most popular web sites. The most popular such site, at number 18, outranks eBay, MSN, and Netflix...!?!’

…Pornographic sites receive more monthly traffic than Amazon, Netflix and Twitter combined.(#03.)…!!’?’


Waqooyiga Kuuriya<!>

A e dini? Në Korenë e Veriut, dënimi për të parë pornografi është vdekja! Ekzekutimi bëhet me një plumb në kokë. Aty janë bërë shumë ekzekutime.






Sidoo kalle Fiiri






Ingiriis (Dad) Boqortooyada Midowday

  1. 2015
  2. IMF database 2018
  3. 2017
  4. IMF database 2019
  5. https://www.statista.com/statistics/343161/brand-value-of-the-most-valuable-south-korean-brands/
  6. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2009-09/16/content_8696547.htm
  7. https://cwur.org/2021-22/country/japan.php
  8. https://www.tokyoweekender.com/japan-life/the-japanese-porn-industry-5-things-we-learned-at-japan-adult-expo/
  9. https://www.statista.com/statistics/652997/japan-movie-releases/
  10. https://www.factretriever.com/pornography-facts
  11. https://www.factretriever.com/pornography-facts
  12. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/3/31/north-korea-executes-people-for-sharing-s-korean-media-report
  13. https://fightthenewdrug.org/10-facts-to-consider-before-you-decide-to-watch-porn/
  14. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/japan-performed-no-executions-in-2023-making-u-s-the-only-g7-country-to-use-capital-punishment-last-year
  15. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-want-to-become-pornographic-actors
  16. https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/presidents/shinzo-abe-net-worth/
  17. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/longform/2023/4/14/how-india-will-overtake-china-to-become-the-most-populous-country
  18. https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/publication/un-desa-policy-brief-no-153-india-overtakes-china-as-the-worlds-most-populous-country/
  19. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/japan/articles/8-fascinating-facts-about-the-japanese-language